The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion
The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion

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The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion



Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2017
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The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion


This little Manual is intended for the use of young people, and is therefore short and very simple. The object of the compiler is to place in the hands of candidates for Confirmation a little book that may be a help to them in their daily life, as well as at the Service of Holy Communion.

Grateful thanks are tendered to the holders of copyright for permission to make use of the hymns printed at the end of the book. Also, the author begs to acknowledge ideas derived from examining similar Manuals, especially "The Narrow Way," "Prayers for Boys," "Help to Worship," and "Holy Communion" by Bishop How.

It is earnestly hoped that this little book may, with the blessing of God, prove of service to those for whom it has been written, both in helping their devotions, and in deepening their spiritual life.

A. E. B.




A little book that will help the young and busy people in North-West Canada to pray earnestly, day by day, and regularly make a good Communion, must receive a warm welcome from the Bishop of a Diocese where the great majority of the people are both young and busy.

I know the earnest desire of the compiler to help our young men and women to draw near to God in Prayer and Sacrament, and I hope many of them will find herein the very assistance they need.





Kneel down and say: —

In the presence of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Try to realize that you are in the presence of God, and then say: —

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

I thank Thee, O heavenly Father, for keeping me safe through the past night, and giving me rest and sleep. Bless me, I beseech Thee, during this day, and guard me from all dangers, both to body and soul, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

Bless, O Lord, my father and mother, my brothers and sisters (and others whom you wish to pray for). Keep them safe and well, and help them, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

O Lord, our heavenly Father, Almighty and ever-lasting God, who hast safely brought me to the beginning of this day; defend me in the same with Thy mighty power; and grant that this day I may fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but that all my doings may be ordered by Thy governance to do always that is righteous in Thy sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost bless, preserve, and keep me now and for evermore. Amen.


Always try to think of God for a minute at mid-day; say,,

O Father Almighty, whose Son our Lord Jesus Christ did at this hour bear our sins in His own body upon the Cross, have mercy upon me, help me, bless me, and be with me now and at the hour of my death, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Kneel down and say: —

In the presence of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Try to realize that you are in the very presence of God, and then say: —

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

O Heavenly Father, I thank Thee for having kept me safe through this day, and for all Thy other mercies to me. Show me how I have sinned against Thee this day, and make me sorry for my sins.

Then try to remember your sins of the day, and ask yourself such questions at these: —

What wrong thing have I done to-day?

What evil words have I spoken?

What bad thoughts have I given way to?

Then ask God's forgiveness, and say: —

Forgive me, O God, for what I have done wrong to-day, and help me to do better for the future, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

Bless, O Lord, my father and mother, my brothers and sisters (and others whom you wish to pray for). Keep them safe and well, and help them, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

Lighten our darkness, we beseech Thee, O Lord; and by Thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of Thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Take care of me this night, and defend me from evil both in body and soul, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep me now and for evermore. Amen.

(If you need further devotions, you can use some of the prayers on pp. 12 and 13, or read some of the hymns on pp. 53 and 54.

It is good to read a few verses of the Bible every night.)


Think nothing that you would be ashamed to tell to God.

Say nothing you would not like God to hear.

Do nothing you would not like God to see.

If tempted, get away from the danger at once, and keep away.

If an evil thought comes to you, throw it out. Pray for help. Say: "Lord, help me." "God, help me." "O Holy Spirit, strengthen me."


Bless, O Lord, the food we are about to receive, and make us mindful of the wants of others, for Jesus' sake. Amen.


For these and all His mercies God's Holy Name be praised.



Keep me, O Lord, from wandering thoughts in this Thy Service, and may my prayers and my praise be pleasing to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Accept, O Lord, this my service of praise and thanksgiving, and pardon all that Thou hast seen amiss, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.


O Almighty God, Who out of Thine abundance givest to all men that which seemeth best in Thy sight; give me strength to be in all things honest before Thee in my daily work and life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


May the Almighty God have mercy upon me, pardon all my sins, and bring me to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Give me, O Lord my God, a firm and living faith in Thee, that I may believe all Thy Holy Church teaches, and Thy Holy Word reveals, for Jesus' sake. Amen.


O Almighty God, of Thy mercy help me in temptation and keep me from all Impure thoughts, impure words, and impure deeds. Preserve me clean and spotless, that my body may be a holy temple fit for Thee to dwell in, for Jesus' sake. Amen.


[Lent is the period of forty days before Easter; by keeping it we follow the example of our blessed Lord and Saviour. Examine your whole life, ask for pardon and strength to do better, and deny yourself something every day in food, comfort, sleep, or enjoyment.]

O blessed Saviour, Who didst fast in the desert for forty days for our sakes, and to set us a holy example of self-denial, grant that I may faithfully use this time of Lent which Thy Holy Church has set apart, that I may follow Thee in prayer and self-denial, and confessing my sins to God, may be pardoned, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


St. Paul says, "Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that Bread, and drink of that Cup."

You must guard against the danger of coming carelessly and without preparation to Holy Communion; so make a rule to always examine yourself carefully before you come.

First kneel down and say: —

O God, Thou knowest everything that I have said, and thought, and done. Help me now to examine myself, that I may see my sins and be sorry for them. Send Thy Holy Spirit into my heart to help me, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

Then ask yourself: —

1. Am I trying to love and serve God with all my heart?

2. Have I fallen into any special sin, which is troubling my mind, and keeping me back from God?

3. Have I said my prayers reverently and carefully every night and morning?

4. Have I been to Church every Sunday, and kept the rest of the day as I ought?

5. Have I tried to forgive any who may have done me a wrong?

6. Have I done anything impure, or said anything impure, or encouraged any impure thought?

7. Have I been honest in everything?

8. Have I always told the truth?

9. Have I thought or spoken evil of another?

10. Have I quarrelled with any one, or lost my temper?

11. Is there any sin I am not willing to give up?

12. Have I been regular in my times of receiving the Holy Communion?

Whenever you find you have been wrong, confess your fault to God, and ask for his pardon; say: —

O Father Almighty, forgive me for this sin that I have committed, and send down Thy Holy Spirit into my heart that I may do better in the future, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

[If you have any trouble in your mind, or cannot quiet your own conscience, either from some sin that you have committed, or from doubt as to whether you ought to come to Holy Communion, do not be afraid to go to your Clergyman, and ask him to help you.]

Also on Saturday night or Sunday morning use the following Office of Preparation: —

Kneel down and say: —

LORD, have mercy upon me.

CHRIST, have mercy upon me.

LORD, have mercy upon me.

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Amen.

I am truly sorry, O Lord, that I have grieved Thee by my sins, and I wish that my sorrow was far greater. I am not worthy to be called Thy child, but Thou art still my most merciful Father. Make me to hate sin and to long for holiness: for Jesus' sake. Amen.

I love Thee, O my God, for all Thy mercy to me, and I desire to love Thee more and more. Let no earthly love possess my heart, so as to let me forget Thee. Give me Thy Holy Spirit that I may love Thee more truly, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

O Heavenly Father, I am about to draw near to the most Holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Thy dear Son. Have mercy upon me; have mercy upon me, for I am most unworthy. But, O my God, look not upon my sin, but look upon the Face of Thy Son. Thy dear Son hath died that we may come with boldness unto Thee. Therefore I come. Oh, may I so eat and drink that I may be partaker of the Body and Blood of Christ to the strengthening and refreshing of my soul, and may be one with Him through the power of the Holy Spirit. Hear me, and accept me, O most merciful Father, for the sake of the same my crucified Saviour. Amen.

May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be with me now and at the hour of death. Amen.


Be careful to be at Church in good time, and while waiting for the Service to begin, say one or more of these Prayers: —

Cleanse Thou me, O Lord, from my secret faults, and mercifully pardon my sins, that I may receive Thy holy gifts with a pure mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty and everlasting God, I come to the holy Sacrament of Thy dear Son. I draw near weak, to the Giver of Strength; unclean, to the Fountain of Mercy; blind, to the Eternal Light; poor and needy, to the Lord of heaven and earth. I pray Thee, therefore, of Thy great goodness, to have mercy upon me, that so I may receive the King of kings, and Lord of lords, with such reverence and purity and faith, as shall be for the health of my soul. Let me now receive the Body and Blood of Jesus my Lord, that I may be one Body and one Spirit with Him, and ever remain among His members. Grant this for the same Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

I do not presume to come to Thy table, O merciful Lord, trusting in my own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. I am not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Thy table. But Thou art the same Lord, Whose property is always to have mercy: Grant me therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the Flesh of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink His Blood, that my sinful body may be made clean by His Body, and my soul washed through His most precious Blood, and that I may evermore dwell in Him and He in me. Amen.

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