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I shall not soon forget it.

They passed trough a chamber filled with strange abnormal beasts. Thuvia said they were approaching the gardens guarded by countless warriors.

I could not understand the necessity for such an enormous force of armed men about a spot so surrounded by mystery and superstition that not a soul upon Barsoom would have dared to approach it even had they known its exact location. I questioned Thuvia, asking her what enemies the therns could fear in their impregnable fortress.

We had reached the doorway now and Thuvia was opening it.

“They fear the black pirates of Barsoom, O Prince,” she said, “from whom may our first ancestors preserve us.”

The door swung open; the smell of growing things greeted my nostrils; the cool night air blew against my cheek. The great banths sniffed the unfamiliar odours, and then with a rush they broke past us with low growls, swarming across the gardens beneath the lurid light of the nearer moon.

Suddenly a great cry arose from the roofs of the temples; a cry of alarm and warning that, taken up from point to point, ran off to the east and to the west, from temple, court, and rampart, until it sounded as a dim echo in the distance.

The great Thark’s long-sword leaped from its scabbard; Thuvia shrank shuddering to my side.

Chapter VI

The Black Pirates of Barsoom

“What is it?” I asked of the girl.

For answer she pointed to the sky.

I looked, and there, above us, I saw shadowy bodies flitting hither and thither high over temple, court, and garden.

Almost immediately flashes of light broke from these strange objects. There was a roar of musketry, and then answering flashes and roars from temple and rampart.

“The black pirates of Barsoom, O Prince,” said Thuvia.

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spectre – привидение, призрак


talon – коготь


plight – бедственное положение


shaft – шахта; труба


portend – предвещать, предзнаменовывать


emanate – исходить, происходить


adroit – ловкий, искусный


brutes – животные


stoop – наклоняться


habiliments – одеяния


fawn – ласкаться, подлизываться


lathering jowls – щелкающие челюсти

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